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Zalan's blog

zalan: what is your contact guys?

Ответов - 14 новых

zalan: new long distance Triathlon magzine.eu Dear Sportfriends, let me introduce our new long distance click heretriathlonmagazine.eu to you in big Russia.The magazine focusing on long distance news, athletes, interviews and events.

IP: Очень даже полезная ссылка! СХ только забыли (или незнали) упомянуть(((((

triatma: thank you zalan. There is few LD races in post soviet area, would you be interested to add then you this site? what were you asking about contacts? Best translation/перевод (just in case../на всякий пожарный : ) Дорогие Спортивные друзья, позвольте мне познакомить вас в большой России с нашим новым журналом по триатлону на длинные дистанции heretriathlonmagazine.eu Журнал сфокусирован на новостях, атлетах, итервью и соревнованиях на длинные дистанции.

IP: 4triatma Андрей, кому как не тебе проводить коммуникации с этим интернет ресурсом (с украинской стороны): Editor: Zalan Briglovics - info@triathlonmagazine.eu Co-editor: Eric Millard - marketing@triathlonmagazine.eu

zalan: Yes, one of our major goal is to list every LD Triathlon events in Europe, sso please send the feedback guys!! Thank you:Zalan And if you want to publish anything(english) anbout Russian triathlon, clubs, events, you are alwais welcome!

zalan: triatma dear triatma, can you help me with the Russian post Soviet states long distance events? URL-s would be great to find their homepage. Thanks:zalan

triatma: Dear Zalan, It's not the Russian custom to have info so far ahead of the event : ) Hopefully there will be something a month or so before the race/s ))) Half Ironman distance race in Ukraine "Slavic wave" site is currently "under contraction", but organizers are pretty sure it will be on and race will take place on June 5th. Really, could be long talks about lack of budget, racers, economic situation in the country, but lets not. I'll ask here if there is anything new about hopefully-newcomers for this season, first LD races in Russia - Vyborg and St Petersburg.. PS. same thing - Vyborgman is set on July 18, website is to be soon

zalan: Hi guys, here you can submit duathlons also(no sprints): http://www.triathlonmagazine.eu/events/2010-european-duathlon-events

zalan: Are there really no duathlons in Great Russia? Please submit duatlons(short or long)here:http://www.triathlonmagazine.eu/submit-event

=AA: zalan пишет: Are there really no duathlons in Great Russia? Zalan, we have no any great triathlon or duathlon for You, because in The Great Soviet Union the Age Group Sport was killed by the Olympic Sport.

IP: Боюсь, парню не понять этой проблемы))))

zalan: From now on you could submit your favorite short triathlons also in Triathlon Magazine.eu.It is quick and easy:click herehttp://www.triathlonmagazine.eu/events/european-ld-triathlon-calendar-2010

Dokken: Что случилось с этим чудным ресурсом. Два года сайт служил верой и правдой поклонникам длинных дистанций. И вот больше не работает?... Может быть кто-нибудь пошлет мейл товарищу Залану Бригловичу?

ykurkin: Скорее всего баян, но вот: http://trimapper.com/ , ссылки в разделе "CHOOSE A TRIATHLON MAP" СХ и Выборг там есть :)

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